
Bali to Java 1000

Bali, Indonesia

by Vintage Rides


  • Level

    Beginner to intermediate motorbike riders. Motorbike license required.

  • Group

    Groups of 4 to 9 people.

  • Dates

    May, 2022




Riding a Royal Enfield motorcycle, you will travel 1000 miles between Bali and Java, embarking on a discovery of Indonesia’s traditions and natural marvels.

Along the way: rice terraces, dense and lush jungles, temples, coffee plantations, wild, untouched beaches, mythical volcanoes, crystalline waters, and the peaceful life of the Island of Gods.

ubud on a bike


Right hand on the throttle.

ubud on bikes

Indonesia is a dream for every traveler at heart, calling up images of temples, tropical jungles, breathtaking landscapes, and an enticing multicultural society.

Indonesia is both magical and fascinating: a little piece of paradise surrounded by the sea. It’s a combination of volcanic mountains, verdant paddy fields, and a plethora of small islands on the edge of the Indian Ocean.

Known for its rich history and culture, travelers will discover this country and experience a unique adventure on your motorcycle tour around Indonesia.

ubud on bikes


    Seeing Indo from a bike allowed us to interact with its people and live the surroundings. It showed us the meaning of freedom.

    WrittenBy: F. Gonzalez

Locals on horses


This trip can become one of the most memorable of a motorcycling life. Bali and Java are two very different places full of surprises around every corner, with Bali being green and lush and Java being more volcanic.

Vintage Rides makes the experience very enjoyable, from the booking and admin support to the actual trip. The guide is knowledgeable and knows his stuff. He takes you to places well off the tourist trail and is informative in his descriptions.

Exploring these places on a Royal Enfield adds to the Magic, and soon you feel part of the islands' culture. When riding a bike on these islands, you have to let it get you.

Friends on bikes
Bali to Java on bikes


The magic route.
Friends on bikes
Bali to Java on bikes


The magic route.


Dry season begins.

May marks the start of the dry season in Bali, so while there may be a few refreshing showers at this time of year, the risk of rain falls as the month goes on.

When packing for the ride, make sure you bring long light layers and some sunscreen to protect yourself from the intense sun. If you’re going to be swimming or snorkeling, you’ll love the sea temperature at 28°C.

Horseback rider in Java
Guy with a Toyota Land Cruiser in the Bromo Desert
Car ride


ubud palmtrees


Terima kasih.

You will stay in local country-houses, typical Indonesian hotels, and guesthouses. Some are high-standard 4-star lodges with pools, and some are basic 2-star lodges.

But one thing is inevitable when you arrive at your lodge after a full day of riding, you will have a comfortable bed to sleep in and good coffee served.

  • Bali home

    One of the stops brings you to a jungle lodge in Ubud.

  • accommodation

    Famous for its 'savoir faire' and it's great services. Massage anyone?

  • pool

    Pools and ocean dips are available during the trip to refresh yourself after long days of driving.

  • room Bali

    Everyday we take some time to relax, mingle, or play chess. This are your holidays, please enjoy.

kiddo in Indonesia


The 4 pillars of its majesty.

kiddo in Indonesia

Learning about the culture of this exotic archipelago will not only ensure a more pleasant traveling experience it will also enrich the way you perceive the world. These are its pillars:


For many Indonesian youths, moving out of their parent's house is not a thing, even when they already have a stable income of their own.


You’ll see Balinese present their offerings first thing in the morning or employees dropping everything for prayer time. No matter what religion they uphold, Indonesians are gratifyingly spiritual.


Farmers work together to cultivate their lands and manage resources, villages keep close-knit communities and take care of each other, and cultural values push forward principles of collectivism.


Indonesians go beyond tectonic plates and erosion to explain how natural landmarks came to be. In most places, you can talk to the locals and dig stories of gods, spirits, royals, or hermits that contribute to forming a sacred culture.

ubud on bike


I always feel better when I come back home from Indo.


  • Day 1


    Arrive in Ubud

    On arrival, you will be met at the airport and transferred to Ubud, Bali’s cultural and artistic centre. You will check in at the hotel and have a free day to explore Ubud. Ubud is believed to be the most magical town in Bali, with its daily dance shows, shops and art galleries.

  • Day 2


    Ubud - Belimbing

    This morning, your tour leader introduces you to your new steed: the Royal Enfield. The tour starts gently to the west of Ubud where we discover Bali’s wealth of natural resources. We ride on small roads through typical villages and stop at Sangeh Monkey Forest, home to a Hindu temple and pilfering monkeys, before heading to Jatiluwih rice paddies. In the afternoon, after crossing several rice paddies far off the tourist track, we reach Belimbing, a region on the slopes of Mount Batukaru.

  • Day 3


    Belimbing - Licin

    We’re going to sleep on Java Island tonight! We take a fantastic road for around 30 miles, which leads us to Bali’s north coast. We cruise along the coastal road to Gilimanuk where the ferry to Java awaits. After a 90-minute ferry crossing, we disembark on Indonesia’s largest island: Java. Just 18 miles to go before we reach our stop for the night at the foot of the Kawah Ijen volcano.

  • Day 4


    Licin - Jember

    This morning, we set off at sunrise to head for Paltuding, at almost 2000 m altitude, and take a 2-mile hike up Mount Ijen (approx. 90 minutes). From the rim of the crater, we’ll witness the first sunrays of the day unveiling astounding views of the world’s largest acid lake. We’ll also meet many sulphur collectors on our way. After a well-deserved lunch, we leave for Jember, riding on small, little-used roads through beautiful coffee plantations.

  • Day 5


    Jember - Cemoro Lawang

    We continue west and take in the Javan landscapes, observing the cultural differences it has with Bali. The last 30 miles pushes us up to an altitude of 2,000 m, passing through authentic villages blessed by the volcanic land. This leg comes to an end just steps away from Bromo volcano, where we have some lunch and can spend the afternoon exploring.

  • Day 6


    Cemoro Lawang - Ambulu

    We leave very early to catch a breathtaking view of the volcanoes in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru national park at daybreak. We then go down into the famous “sea of sand”, dominated by Mount Bromo’s smoking crater. We pass through surreal lunar landscape for some miles, which is sure to leave a lasting impression. For many of us, this first taste of riding on volcanic sand is bound to make us feel apprehensive to start with, but we'll soon experience an exhilarating, addictive feeling of freedom! We finish this leg on a desert road that runs alongside the Indian Ocean until we reach Papuma (standard hotel).

  • Day 7


    Ambulu - Sukamade

    Completely off the beaten track, we take the small roads surrounding Meru Betiri national park. Entering the national park along a rocky track in the depths of virgin forest is out of this world. We finally reach Sukamade and our basic but welcoming guesthouse, where we enjoy a traditional meal. As night falls, we go to a virgin beach to see if we can spot the turtles that lay their eggs here all year round.

  • Day 8


    Sukamade - Pemuteran

    An early start this morning to go back to the beach and release one-day-old turtles. Then we ride the last of our country roads as we head for coastal Banyuwangi where we take the ferry back to Bali island and become reacquainted with traffic. After 18 miles along the coast, we reach Pemuteran, a seaside village, where we stop for two nights.

  • Day 9


    Pemuteran - Menjangan Island

    We leave the bikes for a well-deserved rest today. In the morning, you can go to Menjangan Island, a protected marine reserve with exceptional coral reefs. You can choose between a scuba diving tour or a snorkelling session. In the afternoon, we go back to the Balinese coast and relax by the pool before enjoying grilled fish on the beach.

  • Day 10


    Pemuteran - Amed

    You will really discover the treasures that the heart of Bali has to offer on this stretch. We ride along the far east coast for around 25 miles before heading south towards the rugged inland. In the middle of the tropical jungle, Mount Batur suddenly appears before us: a great place to stop for some lunch. Lastly, we descend towards the small coastal village Amed in the southeast of the island.

  • Day 11


    Amed - Ubud

    Our last day riding the small, magical Balinese country roads. On the way back to the city, we stop at Amlapura market and take a break in Pakudui, a charming village known for its woodcarvings, an ancient Balinese tradition. Once in Ubud, you will have the time to do some shopping, relax by the pool at your hotel or roam around the city’s art galleries.


  • Day 1


    Arrive in Ubud

    On arrival, you will be met at the airport and transferred to Ubud, Bali’s cultural and artistic centre. You will check in at the hotel and have a free day to explore Ubud. Ubud is believed to be the most magical town in Bali, with its daily dance shows, shops and art galleries.

  • Day 2


    Ubud - Belimbing

    This morning, your tour leader introduces you to your new steed: the Royal Enfield. The tour starts gently to the west of Ubud where we discover Bali’s wealth of natural resources. We ride on small roads through typical villages and stop at Sangeh Monkey Forest, home to a Hindu temple and pilfering monkeys, before heading to Jatiluwih rice paddies. In the afternoon, after crossing several rice paddies far off the tourist track, we reach Belimbing, a region on the slopes of Mount Batukaru.

  • Day 3


    Belimbing - Licin

    We’re going to sleep on Java Island tonight! We take a fantastic road for around 30 miles, which leads us to Bali’s north coast. We cruise along the coastal road to Gilimanuk where the ferry to Java awaits. After a 90-minute ferry crossing, we disembark on Indonesia’s largest island: Java. Just 18 miles to go before we reach our stop for the night at the foot of the Kawah Ijen volcano.

  • Day 4


    Licin - Jember

    This morning, we set off at sunrise to head for Paltuding, at almost 2000 m altitude, and take a 2-mile hike up Mount Ijen (approx. 90 minutes). From the rim of the crater, we’ll witness the first sunrays of the day unveiling astounding views of the world’s largest acid lake. We’ll also meet many sulphur collectors on our way. After a well-deserved lunch, we leave for Jember, riding on small, little-used roads through beautiful coffee plantations.

  • Day 5


    Jember - Cemoro Lawang

    We continue west and take in the Javan landscapes, observing the cultural differences it has with Bali. The last 30 miles pushes us up to an altitude of 2,000 m, passing through authentic villages blessed by the volcanic land. This leg comes to an end just steps away from Bromo volcano, where we have some lunch and can spend the afternoon exploring.

  • Day 6


    Cemoro Lawang - Ambulu

    We leave very early to catch a breathtaking view of the volcanoes in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru national park at daybreak. We then go down into the famous “sea of sand”, dominated by Mount Bromo’s smoking crater. We pass through surreal lunar landscape for some miles, which is sure to leave a lasting impression. For many of us, this first taste of riding on volcanic sand is bound to make us feel apprehensive to start with, but we'll soon experience an exhilarating, addictive feeling of freedom! We finish this leg on a desert road that runs alongside the Indian Ocean until we reach Papuma (standard hotel).

  • Day 7


    Ambulu - Sukamade

    Completely off the beaten track, we take the small roads surrounding Meru Betiri national park. Entering the national park along a rocky track in the depths of virgin forest is out of this world. We finally reach Sukamade and our basic but welcoming guesthouse, where we enjoy a traditional meal. As night falls, we go to a virgin beach to see if we can spot the turtles that lay their eggs here all year round.

  • Day 8


    Sukamade - Pemuteran

    An early start this morning to go back to the beach and release one-day-old turtles. Then we ride the last of our country roads as we head for coastal Banyuwangi where we take the ferry back to Bali island and become reacquainted with traffic. After 18 miles along the coast, we reach Pemuteran, a seaside village, where we stop for two nights.

  • Day 9


    Pemuteran - Menjangan Island

    We leave the bikes for a well-deserved rest today. In the morning, you can go to Menjangan Island, a protected marine reserve with exceptional coral reefs. You can choose between a scuba diving tour or a snorkelling session. In the afternoon, we go back to the Balinese coast and relax by the pool before enjoying grilled fish on the beach.

  • Day 10


    Pemuteran - Amed

    You will really discover the treasures that the heart of Bali has to offer on this stretch. We ride along the far east coast for around 25 miles before heading south towards the rugged inland. In the middle of the tropical jungle, Mount Batur suddenly appears before us: a great place to stop for some lunch. Lastly, we descend towards the small coastal village Amed in the southeast of the island.

  • Day 11


    Amed - Ubud

    Our last day riding the small, magical Balinese country roads. On the way back to the city, we stop at Amlapura market and take a break in Pakudui, a charming village known for its woodcarvings, an ancient Balinese tradition. Once in Ubud, you will have the time to do some shopping, relax by the pool at your hotel or roam around the city’s art galleries.



  • Level

    Beginner to intermediate motorbike riders. Motorbike license required.

  • Group

    Groups of 4 to 9 people.

  • Dates

    May, 2022


  • Accomodation

    10 nights’ accommodation in hotels, lodges, and country houses.

  • Royal Enfield Motorbike + Fuel

    Motorcycle rental including spare parts in case of an accident.

  • Food: full board

    Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

  • Tour guide

    Knowledgable Tour guide 24h riding alongside the group.

  • Support vehicle

    Support vehicle for carrying luggage from hotel to hotel each day so you can travel freely with your Royal Enfield.

  • All entry fees

    Toll, ferry, national parks, and entry fees to all places throughout the trip.


  • Flights

    Arrive at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali before 12pm on the day of the trip start.

  • Drinks during breaks and coffee breaks

    Sorry, but booze and coffee are on you.

  • Travel insurance

    Book your travel insurance in advance to prevent any extra medical charges in case of an accident.

  • Riding gear

    Helmet, gloves, bandanas, goggles, boots, and riding gear is not included. Please bring your own.

  • Visa on arrival

    You must take care of your visa costs and requirements upon arrival to Indonesia.

  • Not to forget!

    • Credit Card

    • Personal Extreme Sport Insurance

    • Valid Vaccination Passport

    • Valid passport

Presented by

Vintage Rides

Stemming from a dual passion for adventure travel and the Royal Enfield, Vintage Rides designs and runs authentic motorcycle experiences. These tours combine the pleasure of motorbike travel, the discovery of offbeat destinations, and the human adventure you seek - all in complete safety.
Stemming from a dual passion for adventure travel and the Royal Enfield, Vintage Rides designs and runs authentic motorcycle experiences. These tours combine the pleasure of motorbike travel, the discovery of offbeat destinations, and the human adventure you seek - all in complete safety.

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